Monday, May 23, 2011

Preeschool in session at Scifake

Well, just when I think these fools at Scifake are going to grow up and start writing for their all of 5 fans something worth reading, they just can't leave me alone. I guess I should be happy for all their publicity, you know what they say good or bad, publicity is publicity. The only problem is, I never asked or wanted to be famous! I liked my quiet little world! However, they won't let my story die because I have now looked into who this man is who is attacking me.
What do I have that this man is so afraid of? Why is he and his few followers trying so desperately to expose me or anyone else who has had any paranormal experience to be a fraud? I just didn't get it! Well now I think I do. This man has been on a load of news shows about his so called experience where he and his sister were "abused" as children. This man has supposedly spent some 40 years running around with a camera on his back waiting to confront his abuser who was 15 at the time.
Now had he just stuck to that one story, I may have believed him and probably felt very sorry for him. BUT, this man has got his name all over the internet from his pathetic site called Scifake to web creations to finding butch (which is his abuse site) to being a freaking magician, LOL, because that is obviously the only thing he may be good at.
 As for his site at Scifake, nothing is true, they don't have a "team" of intelligent people like he claims, that actually "investigates" anything before they write an article. No, it's just a bunch of nobody's who try to create so much controversy that MAYBE they will get noticed should someone with an experience have a little acknowledgment in the media. That's all it is folks! He's even gone as far as to claim that the women on Psychic Kids FB page are pedophiles. And the ones who try to help these kids are also pedophiles. But I wonder if they were ever on a pedophile site like old Mr. Ronnie Boy who claims.. well read it for yourself..(This can be found in it's entirety from Mr. Tebo on the first link below).. "I will confess, I did open up to these people on that board (using my real name) about my abuse as a child and everyone who replied did so with sympathy. Many (if not all) were kind and considerate. Why did I open up about my abuse? I wanted these people (so called pedophiles) to understand what is is like to be abused. I wanted them to feel my pain too and I was hoping (praying) to get through to just one person. Just one!"  Yeeeah riight... wink wink. I mean, what better way to get close to little kids if you yourself claim you are "trying to help" and use your own abuse as a ploy? With my own experience with Ron, the first attack he used on me was exploiting my own children's history of abuse from 2006 which he found a detailed post I had written in an abused children's website asking for help and posted it to his 2011 article about a television show we were on called Demon Exorcist. Which had NOTHING to do with the paranormal experiences themselves but he sure did get his jollies off by plastering it on his site.
 Now I ask you, if you were abused as a child, would you post another child's abuse in detail on an article that has nothing to do with abuse just to TRY and prove a point? Mr. Tebo suggests that I posted it on the internet and therefore that makes it alright for him to use however he wants. He has claimed to start his own website that caters to abused children where he writes this statement which can be found in the first link below.  "soon I will take down the existing site, revamp it and create a new site for victims of sexual abuse. It's my opinion (and that of others) that there is a need for a place where survivors can vent, support and share stories." Do you honestly want to share your story with this man? He feels if you write it, it makes it ok for him to post wherever he wants to. Nice man huh?
Well if you don't think this man is a little insane by now keep reading.. I have two weeks worth of emails from this man who was OBSESSED with me for some reason. I guess because I wouldn't run and hide and he had no proof the show I was on was a fake, he has now (still obsessed) gone on to the dramatics of a video that I had posted of my daughter having her first nosebleed since our house was blessed and the same night a gentleman made a video on YouTube where he apparently talked to our "spirits".  Keep in mind, he's gone two weeks without bringing this up. But now the waterworks are full force! And he claims after his public apology to me and then saying he was taking time away from the site, that it's because of his trauma that I've caused him after posting that video.. I'm telling you, this nut job should be on a stage somewhere!! And the sad part about it is that he actually has about 4 or 5 followers (more nut jobs) that hang on to every word he says!! Well that is, if it's not himself posing as someone else which he's been known to do also. And the worst part about it all, the show I was on was NOT faked other than a timeline of events. They all still happened though. And yet here is this idiot and his buddy over at Eye On The Paranormal named Kirby Robinson who are so hell bound on proving a fake show that they actually end up writing fake articles! And still NOT ONE of them has been able to prove I lied about ANYTHING because they can't. So why are they still obsessed? What exactly are THEY trying to hide from? IMO Ron Tebo has been so consumed with his own lie about being abused and it's eaten away at him so much that he may get caught, he is desperate to prove others lies to get the heat off himself. So what is the real reason for making all this up? Is it to get close to other little kids while trying to "help" them and go under the radar? Or is it just a ploy to get some attention that he obviously lacked in his childhood and needs serious mental health help? Or could it simply be because he's too lazy to get a real job and thinks he can make a living as a night magician and prey for his big break under his fake stories in hopes that he will make someone so popular that he get's some recognition good or bad. I'm going with all three. Do your research and see what you think.

Cry me a freaking river.. sniff sniff.. After the first three links the rest are probably by Tebo himself tooting his own horn, he likes that!  (SOMETHING IS JUST OFF HERE IN THIS VIDEO)

The rest you can look for yourself. Just thinking of this man and his sickness makes me ill.  I really hope people start exploring this man and the viciousness behind him.


  1. Found another link.. this is amusing..

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Let's look at his hypocrisy. All this bluster coming from a closeted pedophile who likes to hang around little boys while playing a clown or performing magic shows? Then he makes out like he's a fervent supporter of children's rights?! He is a worthless and disgusting turd.
